Sunday, January 24, 2010

Everything I own fits in a Chevy Cavalier

That isn't exactly true. Much of what I own is in a boxes, piles, and shelves around my parent’s house (thanks Mom and Dad!). But since last June I have repeatedly discarded all unnecessary belongings, filled the car, and set out for a new home. This recently acquired habit of leaving places after four months has brought me from Brooklyn to Vermont and then Minneapolis.

Now, once again, the trusty red car will take me and my dear Eli on a road trip to Memphis, St. Louis, and Florida, before what I hope is an equally-trustworthy plane brings us to Guatemala where we will spend the spring. After that, I will move somewhere for the summer, and likely somewhere else for the fall.

The US postal service can barely keep up with my requests for mail forwarding. I invite you to follow my travels here.

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